Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thing #3

The first thing that pops to mind is using the blog to open a dialog with the parents. I don't know if it would be likely for daily updates but maybe at least on the weekends. I am sure that a general schedule is given out to the parents in regards to the class, activities, assignments, etc. If your teaching a younger room it might be helpful to have a more current, weekly update posted on the blog. Yes, there are always letters home to the parents, but in the new era of a "greener planet" it would be wonderful if we could cut down on some of the paper. I would start the year, with a letter (yes, ironic) or in the initial open house/meet and greet, by outlining my intensions. I would ask that the parents take some responsibility to check the blog on the weekends. I would also encourage that they comment, interact, and try and be more involved with their children's education. For example, when given a year long schedule at the onset of the new school year, Joey's mom might not remember that on week 17 they will be studying plants. But if she checks weekly, at the end of week 16 she will see that they are studying plants the following week and might spend the weekend with Joey out in the garden or go for a nature walk and set the stage/interest for the coming week. Maybe Suzie's dad works in at a nursery and sees the blog, responds, and asks if he could come visit the class, bring plants, and talk about his job. I understand that for the most part the same might be achieved by e-mails. I do believe in a little bit of competition though. If I had sent out an e-mail to all the parents they would not know what one another responded with. This way they can see that other parents are responding and interacting more and it might drive them to interact more. This could also foster new friendships, finding things in common, Joey and Suzie might not get along in the classroom, but if their parents learn that they share a common interest in plant/nature and decide on a play date at the park, it role models for the children the building of a friendship.

In regards to an older class, I believe that I could use the blog as an interaction between them, their parents and the teacher. I know, from personal experience, that the most common response to "what did you lean today?" is "nothing." If the parents know what went on from the blog a more direct question like "did you find Romeo and Juilet interesting?" can potentially instigate an actual discussion.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thing #2

I found that creating the blog was rather simple. I love to cook and bake, so to me it was as simple as following a recipe. I am also a very creative person, I believe in time I will explore the format and templates and make them my own. I have already changed the template twice and then changed some of the color scheme. As far as the naming of the blog, sometimes the simplest is the best, my name!

I found that creating the avatar was a bit more frustrating than creating the blog. In the end, it boiled down to my misreading (okay, skimming...) the instructions. I went to the website and just started creating the avatar. I was getting frustrated as to the inability to click on certain selections that I wanted. When I went back to the 23 Things, I realized that we were instructed to create and account first! Once I created the account, I then got down to what I wanted. I created an avatar that generally looks like me. Right down to the heels for footwear. I don't particularly care for the style of the heels, but I do love heels and figured it was better to represent that than nothing at all. I think my avatar is something that might change periodically depending on my mood as well. So time will tell...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thing #1

I would like to say that the easiest Habit is the 1/2 part, the PLAY! It is always easiest to play. Thankfully I am a Lifelong Learner. I like to learn, I always have. If I could get paid to just attend school and learn, learn, learn, I would be set for life. Correction... if I could get paid well!

On a more serious note, I believe the easiest habit for myself is the first one, beginning with the end in mind. I am a goal oriented person. I am known for making lists, making lists for my lists. I believe I learned this from my mom. I have continued to live by it because I know that it makes life so much easier. I start my day with a list, chores, errands, things to buy, things to accomplish, people to call, etc. At the end of the day I will have a sense of accomplishment, if I have completed everything. If I haven't completed everything, then I can evaluate what things may have hindered completing the list. This works well for learning, I enter the learning environment knowing what I want to get out of it in the end. I know that it is on me to make a list that will get me to the end goal and to follow through if I want to "know" the material. This leads into the second habit, I know that I am responsible for my own learning.

The hardest habit would be having confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner. I have always had a passion for school and learning. I also always thought I would love to teach, I am glad to finally be working towards my goal. I do feel though, that it had been awhile since I was in the educational or learning environment. I am worried that I won't be as effective of a learner. Its a fact, information is easier to absorb the younger you are and I am not getting any younger!

I am hoping to learn more about Web 2.0. I have always considered myself very tech savvy. Amazingly I am learning in the first couple of weeks of this class that I have been standing on one continent and am just discovering there are six more to explore! My baby sister has had a blog for two years now, since she was 15 years old. I have followed her blog but never once thought about setting one up, what I would write about, or how to go about it. Surprisingly it was rather simple, following step by step instructions, just like a recipe for cooking or baking. I do not believe those people who claim they can't cook, just as I am sure Professor Wall doesn't believe that any of us can't create a blog. I am eager to explore. I am a traveler, I have been to a number of other countries physically, so using my metaphor I am looking forward to virtual exploration now.