Friday, January 22, 2010

Thing #1

I would like to say that the easiest Habit is the 1/2 part, the PLAY! It is always easiest to play. Thankfully I am a Lifelong Learner. I like to learn, I always have. If I could get paid to just attend school and learn, learn, learn, I would be set for life. Correction... if I could get paid well!

On a more serious note, I believe the easiest habit for myself is the first one, beginning with the end in mind. I am a goal oriented person. I am known for making lists, making lists for my lists. I believe I learned this from my mom. I have continued to live by it because I know that it makes life so much easier. I start my day with a list, chores, errands, things to buy, things to accomplish, people to call, etc. At the end of the day I will have a sense of accomplishment, if I have completed everything. If I haven't completed everything, then I can evaluate what things may have hindered completing the list. This works well for learning, I enter the learning environment knowing what I want to get out of it in the end. I know that it is on me to make a list that will get me to the end goal and to follow through if I want to "know" the material. This leads into the second habit, I know that I am responsible for my own learning.

The hardest habit would be having confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner. I have always had a passion for school and learning. I also always thought I would love to teach, I am glad to finally be working towards my goal. I do feel though, that it had been awhile since I was in the educational or learning environment. I am worried that I won't be as effective of a learner. Its a fact, information is easier to absorb the younger you are and I am not getting any younger!

I am hoping to learn more about Web 2.0. I have always considered myself very tech savvy. Amazingly I am learning in the first couple of weeks of this class that I have been standing on one continent and am just discovering there are six more to explore! My baby sister has had a blog for two years now, since she was 15 years old. I have followed her blog but never once thought about setting one up, what I would write about, or how to go about it. Surprisingly it was rather simple, following step by step instructions, just like a recipe for cooking or baking. I do not believe those people who claim they can't cook, just as I am sure Professor Wall doesn't believe that any of us can't create a blog. I am eager to explore. I am a traveler, I have been to a number of other countries physically, so using my metaphor I am looking forward to virtual exploration now.

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